Monday, October 31, 2011

Movement Movie

For my class these past couple days we've had to make a movie about movement, and right now the editors are editing it. I was the assistant director. It was pretty cool. We read some quotes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Class With Mr. Richards - Movement

So on Friday we spent a class period with Mr Richards in the dance studio to work on another of Paul Baker's concepts, movement. I'm not going to lie. I did not enjoy it. I hate to dance, I hate all of that stuff, but I did learn a lot about movement. I'm just a clumsy, awkward person so it wasn't easy for me at all, I know zero dance moves. But I did know exactly what he was talking about.
Anyways, maybe I didn't enjoy the dancing part but I did like learning from Mr. Richards. I think he's a really good teacher and I understood the meaning behind it.
Aside from the lesson, I really enjoyed Mr. Richards. I laughed so much in there. One time he said "If you do not follow instructions, you will get an F. Fffff." I was almost in tears because it was just so dang funny.
Overall it was okay.
One of his quotes was "All dances are too long." that was my favorite one. He also said "Symmetry is lifelless" and that's kinda true.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

my face

yeah that's me. this is an assignment and I look horrible right now. so don't judge, okay?


He's gone. He was the best man ever. He made Apple, he created the thing that killed PC. Such an influence.
I was gonna meet him. I was gonna shake his hand. But I can't now.
Steve Jobs is pretty much my inspiration for life. He and Steve Wozniak created a multi billion dollar company in their house.
I'm just in shock.