Friday, September 30, 2011

Paul Baker/New Works

Well, in my New Works class, we had to write a one page paper on Paul Baker, who's pretty much the foundation of our school. I can't say I enjoyed it, but he is a pretty interesting person. He grew up and pretty early in his life he got into theater, and stayed there until he died.
In New Works class, we've been working on space, sound, and other elements of art. Paul Baker kind of fits into this, because it was kinda his philosophy to enjoy all parts of theater and stuff.
Maybe I'll learn more about this in the future. Hopefully I will.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting up on my feet.

I guess since I'm a teenager, most adults expect me to not care at all. But I do care. I care so much that it hurts sometimes. I think adults forget what it's like to try and find yourself, to be searching every single day for the place that you fit in the world. Some days I wish they'd remember how they felt, all those years ago. Not lost, but not found either. I know what I want to be, I know what I should be, and I know what the adults in my life expect me to be. Out of all this confusion, there's one thing I'm sure of.
I am an artist. No one out there knows my name... yet. I am an actress, a person that belongs onstage. I belong in the theater. It is where I feel most at home.
Some days I feel like I'll never make it, like I'll never succeed, I'll never be great. But on my first day of school, I realized something. I have the potential. And even though it sounds corny, if I believe in myself I know I can do it. Time, effort, and tears will go into it- that part I know - but I know I have the will.
So, here I am. A freshman, trying to find her place.
Life's kind of like a big puzzle, and everyone is a piece. You go around your whole life trying to see where you fit. You're surrounded by other pieces, some you may like, some you may hate, some you may love. Sometimes people don't ever find where they fit. But I will. I'm getting there, at least.